Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 395 ~ Not Giving Up

Second day in a row that I didn't get my next I Am Second video (#16 and now #17)... nor have I received a response from my email yesterday either... hmmmmm.

Sooo... I've decided to go with it.  Take it all in some more.  Rethink what's been going on with my challenge.

My challenge in itself is awesome.  It has really taught me and given me some great things and people to think about.

However... funny thing, during my challenge, life has continued to happen.  I had a really rough week the week before last... which kinda overflowed into this week.  Actually my thoughts are what's been overflowing.

HOLD ON A SECOND... bare with me and follow my thoughts here.  Check this out...

Here I have been taking a challenge to get closer to God, Christ, Jesus Himself... and some negative things have happened.

Hmmmmm... could it possibly be 'the enemy" at work... trying to discourage me... trying to block my vision... trying to sabotage me and my relationship with God?

The reason I say this is because... here I am in the process of letting go, letting God... taking His word in... reading His word... feeling His word... and I was presented with several challenging life situations...

In one situation, well you can say I allowed my thoughts to get away with me, however well justified... but a little too much at that.  You shouldn't worry about something that hasn't happened, even if it has happened in the past (this is tough).  

In another situation I behaved like a complete idiot!  Completely against all I am trying to complete here.  I handled a situation horribly.  In other words I lost it, as opposed to being a little more in control of my actions or reactions.  Or rather getting the same point across in a nicer, loving and smarter way.

{and} Finally, another situation presented itself where I was really proud of how I handled it.  The "old" me would have completely lost it and told someone off... maybe even have thrown a grown-up temper tantrum... BUT I DID NOT!!!  I remained calm... I acted as if all was okay... I prayed about it... I processed it... and gave it to God.  {and} More importantly I did not give it another thought.

Seems as if my faith was being given a run for it's money... and I did not give up on it.  

I did not give up on my Faith.  I turned to it.  I let my worries go.  I allowed God to take over.

It's not easy... but most definitely worth it.

We are Second when we put Jesus First. Seconds are bold to lift up Jesus and tell others. Are you ready to become a stronger Second?

I challenge YOU to take the I Am Second [22] Day Challenge... Can you spare maybe fifteen minutes in a day?
Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need. The peace of God is much greater than the human mind can understand. This peace will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  ~ Philippians 4:6-7 (NLV)

[here's to you finding your... ]


... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Took It... Making It... Living It... My Life .  © 2012  U.S Copyright Laws apply.


Wendy said...

Our faith is like a muscle and needs to be stretched often for it to grow. The enemy will always try to stop us when we are heading in the right direction. Thank goodness we know how the story ends.

Audra Michelle said...

Ack! I wish I still had the link! I just read a post on that talks about following God's voice no matter what attacks come our way. It is SOOO hard, but He will lead us through! Those moments of messing up are reminders that we are human and desperately need God!

Unknown said...

Carla, I'm so proud of you for taking this awesome challenge. I love reading how it's growing your faith. Don't be too hard on yourself for the mishaps or the near mess ups. You won't always get it right. Thankfully, God is so patient and loving with us. He uses these opportunities to speak to our hearts and change us. You're doing great, dear friend. :-)

Blessings to you!