Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 401 ~ I Am Second Challenge Day 21 of 22

This is Day 21 of my challenge... {and} my twenty-first video... 

... Jason Castro... Believes wholeheartedly...  "There's always something bigger behind whatever you are doing."   Born to a Christian family, father having a Master's Degree in Theology, he had been raised as such.  The summer of his seventeenth birthday was the summer that he truly found his faith... and found himself second, to his King being first.

For today's challenge this was my message... "Seconds have a story to share. What would you say if you were in the white chair? Write it out so it is clear in your head."

So I'm in the white chair, huh? 

I could start by saying that I've had a rough life... survived an ugly divorce from my first marriage... my sons were kept from me... I've been accused of things I would never commit let alone think of  doing... I've had to start over not only once, but twice, three, four, five, six, seven and eight times in my life time.  I am not exaggerating either... 
All of this affects a person... it affected me.  It affected my demeanor... it took the shine out of my eyes... it even took the smile from my face... it took the warmth of my heart away.  It all made me bitter... unhappy... depressed... not a magnet for other people, that's for sure!
Angry.. bitter... lashing out... and alienating myself from all that was good.  Sometimes even handling situations a little harsher than merited.
My anger was a repellent... my moods dark ... my moods angry... lashing out left and right.. sometimes intentionally, yet too harsh... and others without merit... either way I have been taking out my aggressions on others .. Who in their right mind would want to be around that?!  NOT ME!
Although I knew of Jesus from my mother, her family and having gone to both a Christian school (2 years) and a Catholic school (4 years) as a child... I did not know him... I never had a relationship with him.
Today...I have been blogging for a little over a year now.  Loving every minute of it, taking writing challenges here and there... as well as my own challenge to blog every single day as a means for my children to get to know me {when they're ready to do so one day.}
In the process I have discovered myself, forgiven myself as well as others, and discovered many other things about myself... that and the desire to be closer to God.
After being introduced to a couple of  I Am Second videos at church, it prompt my curiosity to look them up on the internet.  Low and behold not only did I have a library of I Am Second videos at my fingertips... but I came across the 22 Day Challenge ...
I didn't give it a second thought... I started the challenge immediately... that was 21 days ago. 
Through blogging I began to learn and understand that I needed to let go of the past... and through this challenge I have not only released all of that, but I am [really ] forgiving myself, and have started a wonderful relationship with God.  I get it.
I really didn't expect anything out of this 22 Day challenge... however... I truly feel soooo much closer to God... and I feel less angry too!!  Seriously... I feel more at peace and less anger.  I am controlling my anger and leaving it to God more.
I understand that I am not perfect... and I also understand that God is so much bigger than what I have given Him credit for...  
This has been an eye opening, faith growing, God loving experience!!  for me.

That's what I would like to share from the white chair...

That He is first and I am second.

We are Second when we put Jesus First.  Seconds are bold to lift up Jesus and tell others.  Are you ready to become a stronger Second?

I challenge YOU to take the I Am Second [22] Day Challenge... Can you spare maybe fifteen minutes in a day?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?  ~Matthew 6:26-27 (NIV)

[here's to you finding your... ]


... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Took It... Making It... Living It... My Life .  © 2012  U.S Copyright Laws apply.


Audra Michelle said...

I love this challenge and that you blogged through it. How inspirational! Thank you for your honesty - it's that honesty that helps others grow.

Unknown said...

I thought Jason Castro was adorable on Idol and even then thought there was something "different" about him. I saw this on IAmSecond a year or so later. his story is so great!

Wendy said...

So love what he said about something more being in what we are doing! Love that God is speaking to your heart through this series friend! Blessings!

April said...

Thanks for having the courage to "share from the white chair". You are a true blessing =)

Victoria said...

A very inspiring post. It's funny, because whenever I see your profile pic it makes me smile. The gleam in your eye and the smile on your mouth is infectious. Also, I have been thinking to myself Jason's words of..."There's always something bigger behind whatever you are doing." and I have never heard of him before now. But I've been pondering my own life and being open to what God is leading me toward, realizing it may not be what I intended when i began my journey. So glad I read your post, it makes me realize many of us have the same feeling and emotions we think are ours alone.

mail4rosey said...

What a courageous journey you are taking for 22 days. And good for you for sticking to it! Day 21 of 22 is amazing! Congrats, and I'm so happy to hear it has been so wonderful for you!