Today the One Lovely Blog Award has been bestowed upon me by fellow blogger SuzyQ, author of "Photos are Fun" and "Someday Somewhere" blogs, who stated... "Taking Back My Life- Carla is truly taking back her life. I love reading her journey."
Suzy, a humble thank you!
Part of accepting this award, I must pay it forward to seven to fifteen fellow bloggers, and in no particular order...
Please check out their blogs as they are all inspiring.
Suzy wasn't sure where this award or where its rules may have originated, which prompted me to find out... I too found many variations, and were all consistent in the following rules:
Suzy wasn't sure where this award or where its rules may have originated, which prompted me to find out... I too found many variations, and were all consistent in the following rules:
To accept this award:
- Share 7 random facts about yourself
- Award at least 7, although 15 would be great
- Drop them a note to tell them.
Finally, my 7 random facts ...
- I love the color red...
- I love eating sushi and making it at home
- I love hearts
- I collect crosses
- My first dog's name was Puchi
- I still have my maternal grandmother, who is 97 years old (both of her aunts lived to well over 100)
- I went back to school at the age of forty
A safe and Happy Halloween to all!
Now back to putting Calley and her costume together for the big night...
Eat, drink and be scary!
Blessings to all!!
220 days to go...
All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam and are true accounts of her life. Some names may be changed to protect the innocent.