Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 503 ~ Communication Station (XVI)

"And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.'" (Genesis 2:18) 
  • You can't say anything negative about your husband . . . to your husband . . . or to anyone else, about your husband.
  • Say something that you admire or appreciate about your husband . . . to your husband . . . and to someone else, about your husband!
God says that it is not good for man to be alone. But the way some women criticize their mates, the husbands may long for solitude. Be careful today not to criticize your mate, but look for ways to encourage him personally and publicly.
Speaking of communication, does your husband communicate with you? God has made you a companion and helper for your husband, and part of being "one flesh" with him is the privilege of sharing and discussing personal needs and concerns. Thank God for that wonderful gift. Thank your husband for communicating with you. If your spouse does not communicate as you wish, look for ways that he communicates that are normal for him—smiling at you, nodding his head, even a pleasant "grunt!"—and then thank him for letting you know that he cares. Perhaps he needs to be lovingly taught how to communicate. Be patient with him . . . and listen when he does speak.   
Day 16 ! . . .    
I'm going to keep this simple and not let it get too wordy.  

Communication... boy... this can make or break a couple that is for sure!!

I have never had a problem communicating... well let me re-phrase that.  I have never had a problem communicating for others.  Meaning if you are in trouble, I have your back.

Now... when it comes to speaking for myself, I dread confrontations and have no problem speaking of happy things... but when a wrong has been done to me, I have a problem voicing it. I have found it easier just cutting all ties.

I know that isn't healthy on its own, but neither is that feeling of anxiousness or intimidation.

So when it comes to communicating with my husband I do it ever so lovingly... and if by chance I am upset... those have been times when I have written him a letter.

This is not to say that we have not had our moments of "bad" communicating... because we have.  But the important thing about it all is that we have learned from those "bad" moments.

We have had our moments of communication that were far from perfect in our marriage... but nearly 10 years later I would have to say that we love each other more than ever and have a stronger marriage.

[here's to you finding your... ]


I am second..
... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Took It... Making It... Living It... My Life .  © 2012  U.S Copyright Laws apply.

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