Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 341 ~ We only Get One Chance...

I have to be honest here {as I'm not already- whiny sarcasm] Mother's Day is not an easy holiday for me.  There I said it.  You wanted me to say it and I did.  

Between having a mother that shows no interest and wrinkles in my relationship with my sons... not a good holiday for me.

Every year I look forward to Mother's Day with faith, prayer and hope that this will be the year that I won't have drama... meaning I'll hear from both my boys.  [In the last five years it's either been none or one or the other... never both.]

Regardless of my sons, I do have a little girl to think about.  A little girl that looks up to me and hangs on every word I say.  [and] Quite frankly I do not want to ruin her life too.  After all, I was reminded today something that I had learned long ago...we only get one chance.

One wrong turn, one bad choice, one thoughtless plan... and there's no going back.  I am not saying that I made a wrong turn, a bad choice or whatever... life sometimes takes control and just happens.

When life happens it affects us... whether its job loss, divorce or a move... it affects us.  Now if it affects us, can you imagine what if does to our children?

So I am writing this to remind us all, that there are life's happenings that God controls ... then there are life's happenings to which God has left for us to control... one piece of advice...we must do so wisely.. 



... we only get one chance at this life we are living.

... we only get one chance at raising our children.

No do-overs.  (As Simon Cowell used to say on American Idol...)   S o r r y.
Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?  ~Proverbs 20:11


24 days to go...  

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  © 2012 


ReviewsSheRote said...

Its so hard to see the bigger picture when your right in the middle of LIFE....thank-fully we have a loving Father above to already knows in the end it will all be OK!

Paula said...

Great post, Carla! Looking back, there are so many things I wish I had done differently. But one thing I've learned the hard way... we can't go back... we can only live differently starting today. Thanks for this great reminder to make the most of this "one chance." :)