Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 338 ~ Blessed to be Called "Mom"

Yesterday's post seemed a little dark... compared to how I really have been feeling- which is quite the opposite.

Mother's Day is an all around tough day (time) for me... not only as a daughter not having a mom around and she's alive, but the void of not having that daughter/mother relationship... and not to mention not having a solid relationship with my sons.

Whatever I know of the daughter / mother (or visa versa) relationship I owe it to the relationships of all my girlfriends and their moms.  I have to give a big thanks to all my friends' moms who not only stepped in throughout my life, but showed me what good moms were.  They all partook in my upbringing {if you really think about it}... anyways... a very Happy Mother's Day to all of them! 

Then came the day that I became a "mom" myself... then again... and then with the Grace of God once more.  

What a blessing to not only have been called "mommy" by three different little ones, but to love those same three  babies with every breath I take.  {granted. they are no longer babies}...

Today... two of my babies are now over 21, with lives of their own.  {and} Yes... my relationship with them could be better... but I have complete faith that with God's Grace one day I will have a healthier relationship with my sons.

Today... {after all... we do have to focus on what I do have...} what I do have, is a little precious princess that is "5-1/2" years old, and who does not let me forget it wither!  "Mo-om... I'm 5-1/2 years old.  I can do it."

Even though we have our little "moments", I don't know what I would do without her.  

Every time I look at my daughter, I want to do everything I can to have the healthiest relationship  with her, ever!  OH!  I know it won't be "perfect", we will bump heads and have our disagreements... However... I will do whatever it takes to be the best mom I can be to her. 

My priority is my daughter's best interest so that one day she will be a smart... strong... thick skinned... gentle... loving... honest and generous with her time by giving back... {That's all.  wink, wink.  Is that too much to ask for?}

Bottom line I want my baby to have the best tools so that one day she will make wonderful decisions... and... if mistakes are made, she learns from them.

I feel so blessed to have been given another chance at being a mother.  Thank you Lord.

Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.  ~Oprah Winfrey 


27 days to go...  {I really don't know how to feel ... lol}  

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  © 2012 


Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Sounds like you have learned from your struggles and disappointments and that your daughter is blessed to have mama that wants to love and enjoy her now and pass on life skills to help her stand on her own two feet one day as a lovely, confident, caring person. That's a grand and blessed thing. Happy Mother's Day to you and may God continue to Bless and Guide you! - Barbara
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Debi Gerhart said...

I love the comment" even though we have our moments" because I think the same way. As a mom of 4, I swear there is always someone I am having a moment with. But I couldn't imagine anything else. Everything I do, and everything I plan, is around these little precious beings.

Perspective Parenting said...

What a beautiful post. I'm glad you get to do it all over again with your daughter too. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Hezzi-D said...

Happy MOther's Day to you! I'm sure your little girl is such a blessing to you. I'm also confident that your relationship with your sons will grow and bloom:-)

Epic said...

All we can do is learn from our struggles Carla. It's never too late to build a relationship with our kids. Take it from a kid whose dad took his own sweet time to come back into her life. Happy Mother's Day!

CrazyNutsMom said...

Even though my kids cause me grief, just about daily, we have our moments of clarity. When you look down at them and ah, yes, I wouldn't change it for anything.