Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 357 ~ "Never" miss an "Opportunity"

What I Learned About Me... from A to Z
What have I learned about myself this past year {blogging}..?  hmmmm... First off... I would like to make sure you know up front... I never had blogged before until I started this blog 349 days ago.  Secondly... I never intended on learning anything.  HAHA! LOL!  No but seriously... It wasn't my intention...   Check out what my intention(s) were/are here.
So here goes... What I Learned About Me... from A to Z

"N" is for...  Never.  Yes, never.  
Today I kept hearing the word "never".  A word I have learned to deal with most of this year.  But today, it was haunting.  I kept hearing it over and over In different contexts... standing out each time more and more.  By the end of my day, and before I headed out to church tonight, I heard it yet another time and found it to be very odd.

At tonight's church service, we sang and praised Jesus like no tomorrow.  Then the gal in charge of the music proceeded to talk about "Never".  I was beside myself.  I started crying.  I felt so touched.  I could not believe what was happening.  

We sang... "Never will I leave you... Never will I forsake you..."

By the time I arrived home ... I realized His message to me today...

Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
~Deuteronomy 31:6

By the time my day ended and found myself writing my post tonight, I completely understood.  He was reaching out to me.  Reassuring me.  He has never left me, and never will.

"O" is for...  Opportunity.  
As my year end approaches I have learned one of the more valuable lessons of my journey.  Never miss an opportunity to better yourself.

I have learned that each day that I rise... each day that is given to me... each moment is an opportunity to better myself and to do something good in this world.

We all live and die, and one day will be forgotten.  I want to leave something behind that won't be forgotten.  I want to leave something behind that will out live me.  Something to be proud of... something that my children and their children's children will be proud of.

So here's to not missing a beat... not missing a moment... not missing a day... not missing an opportunity to creating a lasting legacy.   

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.
~Tony Robbins

Tomorrow...  What I Learned About Me... from A to Z ... the letter(s) "P" 

[here's to you finding your... ]

8 days to go... {single digits!!...}
read about this count down in my "About my Blog" page

... for a, l & c.  you are my sunshine(s).

Images are courtesy of either google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barilá Karam and of this blog- Taking Back My Life ~ Making it My Own.  US Copyright law apply  ©


Donna said...

That's two very awesome things to learn about yourself! I love 'em both, and think I feel the same way. Especially "never"... I'm as stubborn as they come, giving up isn't in me. :)

Unknown said...

This so reminds me of the book my friend Teri Johnson wrote called "Overcoming the Nevers" It's an amazing resource for anyone who has something in their life they think they will never conquer - fear, past issues, addiction, etc.

Lisa Mason said...

Wonderful message and great timing for me. Thank you!

Anne @ Green Eggs and Moms said...

This is a great reminder, Carla. Have you ever considered writing an ebook?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful way to focus on the positives of "never." One of the most amazing moments in my walk with Christ was when I truly understood that He has never been away from my side (though I at times had turned away from him) and that He will never stop loving me.

Beautiful post!

Unknown said...

This is so great. Keeping your faith alive is always something we can all work on. Awesome post.