Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 350 ~ "Embrace" "Depression"... hmmm...

What I Learned About Me... from A to Z
What have I learned about myself this past year {blogging}..?  hmmmm... First off... I would like to make sure you know up front... I never had blogged before until I started this blog 349 days ago.  Secondly... I never intended on learning anything.  HAHA! LOL!  No but seriously... It wasn't my intention...   Check out what my intention(s) were/are here.
So here goes... What I Learned About Me... from A to Z

"D" is for...

Depression.  I couldn't help it... after all I have been dealing with it most of my life. 

I am not saying that having depression is cool... because it is not.  

Quite frankly it sucks being sad or just being in that downward mindset.  

I am not admitting that I just discovered this about myself, because I did not.  

But what I did discover is that with focus and HARD work I can now manage to pull myself out of the "funk" a little easier {and faster, AND not as often}... plus the fact that I can not allow Calley to see me down and learn from my actions.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in ten Americans report depression.  The operative word  there is "report". Implying that not everyone reports it.  Hmmmm...

"E" is for...

Embrace.  Embrace?   Yes....embrace, 

I have learned to embrace all that my Lord has put in my path, and what he has given me.  For some reason, He feels I can handle it.  

Let's think about this for a moment... everything that my Lord has placed in my path has not been the best,  

It has tested me.  it has tried me.  Best of all... it thought it had beaten me... BUT IT DID NOT!

Accepting my past for what it is ... is one thing...  but embracing the pain and accepting it for what it is... well that's a biggie!

Tomorrow...  What I Learned About Me... from A toZ ... the letter(s) "F".

Buddhism teaches you to embrace change.
~ Koo Stark


(here's to you finding your...)

15 days to go...  {humbled.}  
read about this count down in my "About my Blog" page

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  © 2012 


Anne | Living Life Smarter said...

It's tough when you have depression... but I agree that the key is to embrace and accept what has happened so you can move on.

beachdreaming said...

You can't change what happened, but you can change how you handle things going forward. I fail at doing this a lot. No matter how hard I try. But I figure even if handle one thing better and go forward, its a victory.

Nicole Orriëns said...

Sounds like you learned a lot! Will you continu on blogging now that the year is almost over?


Cheryl said...

Wow 15 to go!!!! I have to agree Life does not always throw easy at us actually it rarely does but learning to embrace the tough stuff along with the good grows and shapes us doesn't it?!

ReviewsSheRote said...

I love that you point out the CDC stated 1 in 10 REPORT, because I'm sure the #'s are higher many just hide it.

I like what you picked for "E" its a lesson,nomatter what life has brough us-we all need to learn!