Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 372 ~ "Design Mode" Preparations

I can't believe how fast time goes by when I'm in "design mode".  

Yes... "design mode."  Graphic design, that is.

I've been trying to put Calley first lately, being that I can get lost in my computer.

Once I log on, be it morning, noon or night, I'm "into" my computer for at least forty-five minutes... and that's just checking email and my blogs {for comments and what not}.  

Now... if I get into "design mode"..  foeget about it!  I can get "into" my computer for hours on end.

However... there's a MAJOR draw back... a dark cloud if you will.  My Calley... my house... my husband... just life in general ... it all can get neglected.

So to avoid addiction... I must plan ahead and tread lightly when I know I have to be on the computer for a while.

When I know it is inevitable and I must get some work done, I must first prepare.... I make sure Calley is not hungry, I make myself a snack, then I set Calley up right next to me, we pick a movie for her to watch... press play and i get to work.  {because I can not take my eyes off of her.. she just gets into too much trouble}

Preparing as I do, I am guaranteed at least two hours of uninterrupted creativity.  {and} if done right... I am able to do this once in the morning and if necessary, I can squeeze in another "session" once more in the afternoon..

However... I must say, once the movie is over, I MUST step away from my laptop and turn my attention to Calley.  Today, we prettied up her room.  :)

If I do not do take the above measures...  foeget about it!

I will not get any work done what-so-ever...

{and} would be setting us up for failure.

 A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.  ~Proverbs 29:15

[here's to you finding your... ]


... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  © 2012 U.S Copyright laws apply.  

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