Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 375 ~ Calley Has The World's Greatest Daddy!

I wanted to start off tonight by wishing all dads out there a Happy Father's Day!

Mirriam-Webster's (1913 dictionary) defines a father as "One who has begotten a childwhether son or daughtera generatora male parent."

Now with that in mind... Long ago... I remember being as old as eleven or twelve, when I  first came across the following quote...

Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy  ~ author unknown
I knew then... just as much as I know today... about what that quote really means.  

My father may have passed away in 2006... however he more or less stopped being "there" for me way back then.  I even remember him making me feel slighted, second to someone else by his treatment or lack thereof.  (He made me feel like he loved someone that was not his daughter more than me.)  Up until then he treated me as his loving daughter, as a doting father should.

No worries here... I am okay.  Honestly... no bad feelings here.  All that is part of my past... it is part of who I am... you know, like the luck of the draw... or the hand that was dealt to me.. now I just have to play my hand right.

All that aside, I feel really blessed that my daughter has the daddy that she does!

I do have to tell you that my husband never planned on having any children (another story... another day), so the fact that he is the father that he is... says a lot about who he is. (amazing!

The way he loves, cares, protects, teaches, disciplines, respects, teases, and plays with Calley... well, let's just say that Calley adores her daddy!  

Dean is tender and is fair.. he has always read to Calley... and teaches her music as well. Calley has been strumming his guitars since she was about six months old, and was given a drum kit at the age of three.  {and} we aren't talking about a wimpy child's kit either.  Dino traded for a Junior sized drum kit, on which he and his brothers are able to jam on too! 

Listen... even though I did not have the "perfect" parents or childhood for that matter, I feel so blessed that not only does Calley have The World's Greatest Daddy, but she also has the Most Wonderful Grandfather, in Dean's own father!

Happy Father's Day to the wonderful fathers in our lives!

[here's to you finding your... ]


... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  © 2012 U.S Copyright laws apply.   

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