Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 387 ~ I Am Second Challenge Day 10 of 22

This is Day 10 of my challenge... {and} my tenth video...

... Vitor Belfort, UFC {Ultimate Fighter Championship} fighter and hero.... from Brazil.

Vitor Belfort: I am Second

Vitor seemed to have been going through the motions, a one sided relationship.  Calling to God when in need... promising the world in return of answered prayers... then never following through with all the promises to follow Christ.

Until the day tragedy happened... his sister had been kidnapped, he found out that she had been assaulted by many... one after another and  ... was never to be seen again.  Vitor turned to God once again, but this time for good.  

I just have nothing as devastating, but the lost of my sons.  That's the only horrendous pain I have ever gone through.

I ... really ... words can not and do not make the pain go away... what can one possibly say to really ease that type of pain?

My heart and prayers go out to Vitor and his family.

Because, He is First... I am Second.

We are Second when we put Jesus First. Seconds are bold to lift up Jesus and tell others. Are you ready to become a stronger Second?

I challenge YOU to take the I Am Second [22] Day Challenge... Can you spare maybe fifteen minutes in a day?
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”  Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.  ~Matthew 18:21-22 (NIV)

[here's to you finding your... ]


... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Took It... Making It... Living It... My Life .  © 2012  U.S Copyright laws apply.   

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