Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 456 ~ Supporting Our Teachers

{and} so it starts...

I don't know why school starts the week before Labor Day... 

it's like the kids go to school for a week... and for five straight days they get rule after rule, procedure after procedure drilled into their little heads...
in our case, my little Calley listened to the rules yet had a very rough time adhering to them... only to end on a good note on Friday...
Then they're off for three days and then back on Tuesday they need to be nudged a little to back on track for the next four days.
this week was a much easier week - compared to last week where the teacher requested a meeting with my husband and I before the week was out.
Do not get the wrong impression... Calley is disciplined... we follow through with her on everything... we discovered that spanking has no affect on her... taking tv away stings a bit... and getting other privileges taken away stings even more...

She'll be ever so so sorry... apologize up and down so sincerely.

But the thing is ... give it a day or two and she's at it again.  sad face.

We ask her "Calley why did you peel the paint off the wall..??" and all we get is an "I'm sorry" and "I don't know..." ... with it we get shrugged shoulders, a big sad face, an "I don't know...

I just don't understand.  

Calley has always and will always get a lot of attention...  yes, it is true, she is primarily around adults...  she is very, very loving and given the opportunity she will hug you non-stop.  

When she does remember to ask for permission and does not get the response she wanted, she immediately comes up with a compelling argument.  An attorney in the making?

My girly-girl, loving, head strong, animal lover, independent, really enjoys helping in the kitchen- an expert in the making, with an eye for good fashion.  wink, wink.

Just because I may be scratching my head with this one, it does not mean I will ever stop trying new things... new angles...  

At this point all I can do is keep moving forward, support Calley's teacher with her recommendations and back her up whenever needed.  

After all teachers are molding our children for the future... and to one day run the future.
Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance,  ~ Proverbs 1:5
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.  ~Albert Einstein

[here's to you finding your... ]


I am second..

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Took It... Making It... Living It... My Life .  © 2012  U.S Copyright Laws apply.


Pepper said...

Calley definitely has what it takes to be a good lawyer ;)
Seriously, yes there are some things I just don't understand with my daughter. It's good that we can work with their teachers.

Becky McNeer said...

oh kids! aren't they lovely? they are awesome, but they can misbehave. i try to remember how i was and then i take a deep breath and relax.

Unknown said...

AHH back to school. Where we worry that the teachers won't understand our kids like we do, will squash their creativity or worse, not think our little baby is wonderful. But every year I have been blessed to have teachers who bring out the best in my kid. Sometimes it is a little trying as the kid trys to find the limits but it always a beautiful end to see them grow.

Unknown said...

My son is only 2 but I am bracing myself for the school years.

Coretta said...

Here in CT most of us go back to school before Labor day so we can prepare for all the snow days. If not our kids would be in school year round! I can only imagine how frustrating it is for teachers though!

Laura said...

She sounds like my oldest daughter (who is now 22). What worked best with her was not letting her play with her friends & when they would ring the doorbell, we made her answer the door & tell them she couldn't play. Worked every time.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Rossel said...

Because Calley is good in argument, then she can be a very good lawyer. :) My daughter is sometimes argumentative too and never run out of reasons.