The last letter of the alphabet is "Z" and here I've reached the final day of my Blogging A to Z Challenge April 2012.
I did it!! ... and this is my zealous finale to my challenge!! (gee, I hope I'm using "zealous" in the right context. lol)
I must be forthright. Honestly, this was a great challenge. I loved it! However to call it a challenge is not quite what I would call it, only because I enjoyed it too much.
A challenge is to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties. Okay, so I may have had to scratch my head on a few letters, I'll give you that.
SO, do you know what I am going to do now? wink, wink I'm going to look for a new challenge. {Big Smile}
I must be forthright. Honestly, this was a great challenge. I loved it! However to call it a challenge is not quite what I would call it, only because I enjoyed it too much.

This challenge did add a few more words to my vocabulary... But difficult, no. (Big Smile)
I don't know what got into me, but all of a sudden I thought it would be interesting to see what I can find out about the letter "Z".
- "Z" is the 26th letter of our alphabet (also known as the Roman Alphabet)
- "Z" is referred to as Zed in England
- In mathematics, The letter "Z" designates the set of integer numbers, which contains positive and negative elements. Z = {... , -n ,.... ,-4 ,-3 ,-2 ,-1 ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,... ,n, .......}
- ZZZ (or z-z-z-z) is sound of snoring, traced back to at least 1918. (Sometimes "a tiny saw cutting through a log" [1948] would be used, and both the snore and saw would make the same z-z-z-z sound.)
- "Z" not a native letter in Old English; in Anglo-French words it represents the "ts" sound (cf. Anglo-Fr. fiz, from L. filius, modern Fitz); from late 13c. it began to be used for the voiced "s" sound and had fully taken that role by 1400.
- "Z" was referred ti as zed c.1400, from M.Fr. zede, from L.L. zeta, from Gk. zeta, from Heb. zayin, letter name, lit. "weapon;" so called in allusion to the shape of this letter in ancient Hebrew. U.S. pronunciation zee is first attested 1670s. Other dialectal names for the letter are izzard, ezod, uzzard, and zod.

Zeal is a volcano, the peak of which the grass of indecisiveness does not grow. ~Kahlil Gibran
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. ~Thomas Fuller ;
38 days to go...
... for a, l & c. You are my sunshine(s).
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