Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 317 ~ "R" ... Why Not "Remember to Rejoice"?

"Luuuuccy... you got some splainin' to do...!"  

Funny...someone recently asked me if I laid in bed awake at night thinking about what word I was to come up with the next day.  At the moment, I chuckled and thought... well... actually...  I didn't think.. I just chuckled.  Anyways... moving right along...

Guess what? ...  Today... all I thought of, was the letter "R" ... all day long!  I kept bouncing back between trying to remember one word, and then two other new words...  first I came up with Rejoice and I thought, okay, this is good...  then I do not know what happened, but then I came up with Remember... hmmm... 

Okay... TIME OUT!  You know what the problem was ... when I was writing for "P", for a brief moment I came up with a great word.  I kind of had one of my ADD moments where my thoughts forked out, I realized it, and I got back on task.  Problem is, that I never jotted down my idea.

Well, ever since I had "that moment", I have not had that lovin' feeling.  I just have not recovered.  I just can't remember.  Great!  First the gray hair start coming in, and now my memory?  Just, great!  Then I thought, "let's see I have Rejoice and Remember... hmmmm... what can I do with this?  What can I come up with?

I must have had that last thought playing in my head over and over again ... until ... BAM!  Why not Remember to Rejoice?

Rejoice: transitive verb: to give joy to : gladden  intransitive verb: to feel joy or great delight.
Remember: transitive verb: to bring to mind or think of again  : to keep in mind for attention or consideration : to retain in the memory : to convey greetings from  intransitive verb: to exercise or have the power of memory : to have a recollection or remembrance

That was a mouthful.  Why...?  Bare with me a moment.  It's not that I didn't think you knew what these words meant, not at all.  I wanted to put their meanings out there.  Think about it.  Sounds simple, huh?  ... "to retain in the memory" ...  "to bring to mind" ... "to give joy to" ... "to feel joy" ... HA!  ...

Actually, if I just put it together, from what it states here... all I need to do is ... 

to bring to mind, to feel joy!

Remember to Rejoice!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  
~Philipians 4:4 

Blogging A to Z Challenge April 2012... What will "S" have for us on Monday?

48 days to go...  (OMG! Really?!)

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  © 2012


Hezzi-D said...

I often feel that I need to take a moment to step back and remember to rejoice. That Bible verse is one of my absolute favorites verses and every time I see it I think of the song that goes with it.

Mrs. Settles said...

I was just thinking this very thing today. The thoughts swirling in my mind was that I want to "do all things without complaining" and that I really need to incorporate more thanksgiving into my talk. In short, I need to remember to rejoice!

Thanks for sharing!


Kimberly Ditty said...

Love it! So simple, yet so easy to forget to do when life seems a little too busy at times. Each day definitely has something to rejoice about...thanks for a great reminder. :)

Unknown said...

Love the R - Remember - which is getting harder for me as I get older. I suffer from brain farts on a regular basis. Rejoice - don't remember the last time I did this. Need to do it more often. I'm visiting from VB members to remember. Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Love all your posts Carla, rejoice is a wonderful word, I rejoice everyday in my quiet time. Thanks for sharing.

Tracy Balderach said...

Our sermon was on this verse this morning. What a great reminder for us to have thankful hearts and a cheerful spirit. Glad to have found your blog. Happy Sunday! Tracy