Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 323 ~ "W" ... "W"ait for it...

I couldn't resist!  LOL!  It just seemed to flow.  (my title that is...)

Miraflores ~ Lima, Peru
"W"ait for it...  "W"ater.  Yes, water.

The first thing that came to mind and happened to simultaneously put a smile on my face, that started with a "W" was water.
Mar del Plata, Argentina
I was exposed to water as a little girl, and I mean as old as I could sit up, my mother took me took the beach.  

Whether it was the beautiful beaches of sunny Southern California; Lima, Peru; Mollendo- Arequipa, Peru; vacationing in Mar del Plata, Argentina; or being surrounded by the Puget Sound, the many lakes and majestic scenery of Washington state ... I have always been blessed to have lived near a body of water.  
Seattle, Washington

I may no longer live blocks from Venice Beach, but that doesn't stop me from feeling that I do.  (...and I didn't bring up the many swimming pools I splashed in.) 

After all, what is it that they say...  
... when life gives you lemons, add some Water, a little sugar along with some love... and Wham-O!  ... make some delicious lemonade! 
(okay so I added a little extra.)

By the way... (angels sing out)   M-i-l-e-s-t-o-n-e ! ! !  My blog here... she reached 25,000 views today!!  Words can not express... no seriously... I can't think of anything to say, other than I am humbled.  Thank you for reading, and best of all thank you for commenting. 

Blogging A to Z Challenge April 2012... What will "X" bring us tomorrow?


42 days to go...  

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  © 2012


Karen Dawkins said...

What a Wonderful Way to Wistfully "Wemember" your childhood. Could not think of a W for kidness! :-/

Congrats on the visits... I'm close to 1000 page views on my new blog and so excited. We bloggers are Weird!

Unknown said...

Great Post.. I enjoyed reading it!! You have been all over it sounds.. We all love water here in San Diego too.. Congrats on the 25,000!!! I hope I get there some day.. Hugs


Anonymous said...

I've never seen an alphabet challenge before. Interesting, and makes me want to know what you could possibly do with X!

Cheryl said...

Hi Carla I love water too, I love to swim in it, a cold glass of it to drink, a nice hot shower, and to just watch it go by love it!

Courtney said...

This is a great post…for many reasons, but my favorite being you mentioned my home city…Seattle! And I can't help but go all nostalgic when I think of the waterfront in Seattle…great post!

Unknown said...

They used to call me a fish when I was younger, because I love the water and swimming. I had green hair from being in the pool too much!

I really like the text and photos post...really well done!
Cheers on your A-Z!

Crazed in the Kitchen said...

We live in Southern California and don't take advantage of our proximity to the beach nearly enough! I guess because we're so used to it being there--and, I grew up in Chicago in a neighborhood very close to the lake. A lot of people don't realize that Lake Michigan is HUGE and has many lovely beaches, too. A good reminder not to take it all for granted!