Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 307 ~ "I" is for Inspiration

"I" ... I ... ai ya yai!  My "I" word... hmmm...  Integrity is a very good word. But so is imagination. However... I decided on Inspiration.
 Please don't get me wrong, integrity is a wonderful word.  It says so much.  The commitment of standing by one's moral and artistic values; and where would we be without imagination?  Disneyland would definitely not exist that's for sure!  What a thought!  A world without Disneyland...  so happy Walt believed in himself, followed his dreams and never gave up ... no matter what he was told.

This last year... the last 307 days to be exact, have been a true inspiration to me and for me.   Each day being inspired by the previous one.  It's as if the previous day was providing fuel for the next.  

Two of my most favorite things that inspire me,
my family and the beach.  ~ Malibu, Ca. Aug/2011
Bottom line, this thing called Inspiration has given me strength, it has built "me" up, and has also taught me quite a bit along the way.
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.  
James Baldwin

Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.   
Lauren Bacall 

Genius is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration.  
Thomas Edison 

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.  
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Blogging A to Z Challenge April 2012... What will "J" have for us tomorrow?

Blessings to all!!

58 days to go...

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  ©


The Budget Diet said...

Very insightful (another i-word!). We all need a little inspiration to keep us going!

Anne @ Green Eggs and Moms said...

This is nice, Carla. We all need a good reminder especially when things are going wrong, I like the quotes you listed!

Czjai said...

You are an inspiration to me, Carla! I'm glad I met such a wonderful person like you. :)

Unknown said...

My lovely ladies :) Your kind words touch my heart. Again proving my theory correct... thank you for once again inspiring me! wink, wink Blessings, Carla

Addicted to Recipes said...

Another great post! I love the alphabet posts, they are great :-)

Anonymous said...

This is coming full circle as you are surely an inspiration to me and I'm guessing to others as well.

Thanks so much for sharing.

susan jakovina said...

The beach is such an inspiration...must be the fresh air and natural beauty.
Sweet post Carla!

Unknown said...

These are awesome. I love your quotes by Edison and Emerson.