Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 334 ~ Reflecting On My A-Z Challenge

Blogging A to Z Challenge April 2012, one week later...
I miss it!  There I said it.  I didn't realize it would have this affect on me, but I miss it.

These are my thoughts for my 2012 A to Z Challenge Reflections Post   

I liked having to come up with something to say/write based on a letter of the alphabet.  

I give you one further... early on in the Challenge I learned that I had to write my post before reading someone else's.  

I read someone else's first once-- silly me I didn't realize because I was participating in a blog hop and didn't realize what I was reading until I was almost finished.   Then I wondered whether or not I would have come up with that same word.

[I do have to admit... I did not get in as much reading as I would have liked to... but- 75% is better than nothing.]  

As I visited other blogs that were participating in the Challenge I was taken aback with all the different themes.  Yes.. these people had a theme-within-a-theme!

When I first read these post of themes within the theme [A to Z] I honestly thought "What are they crazy?  ...  What are these people doing?  Isn't having to come up with a word challenging enough?"

I am here to tell you ... I get it now!  wink, wink.  Seriously... there were blogs whose theme were based on threatened animals, another wrote a terrific piece and broke it down into twenty-six segments, and yet another on on ferries (to mention a few).

Best part of the A to Z Challenge was all the great blogs I read and the people behind them!  I met some great people and some FABULOUS writers!  

I do have to say there were plenty of times that I felt very intimidated by what I was reading... they were submitted by PUBLISHED AUTHORS!!  

There is a reason these writers are published!  What talent.  Then there was little ol' me amongst these GIANTS!  Regardless... this has been a fabulous experience!

I truly enjoyed this challenge.  Quite honestly, I happened to come across this challenge by accident.  The best part was that it had not started yet! - it was a day before the challenge was to start.  

I had fun with it and stayed true to myself.  This is not to say that I did not have some days that I came up with a "word" late in the hour... but I got them all in!!  

In full disclosure I must say that I was already posting everyday.- this was half the challenge to many.  The only change I made other than incorporating the challenge into my blog, was to post earlier in the day.  

This is how crazy I am... I am already looking forward to next year's challenge, hoping that I too can come up with a cool theme within a theme scenario.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." 



31 days to go...  

... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  © 2012


betty said...

Visiting from A/Z post reflections. It was an adventure wasn't it? I'm not sure if I miss it or not, I know it was a crazy month trying to write a post a day (usually I'm a 1-2 time a week) plus keep up with the multitude of blogs I follow plus find the time to check out next ones plus work over 40 hours a week, but it got all done :) Not sure if I'm going to do it next year or not, but did enjoy it this year. I admire those that had a theme; I kind of went hit and miss with the letters but tried to make it as interesting as possible :)

hope tomorrow is a good one for you!


Suzy said...

Great job Carla.

Joy said...

Good for you!!!! I'm only half way through my blessings challenge, and some days I'm just grasping at straws! Think next year I may try the a-z challenge!

Warmest regards,

Barb Webb said...

Kudos to you for surviving your challenge! How fun to go through such a creative process!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm glad it was such a great experience for you! I loved it this year but can't say I miss it :)