What I Learned About Me... from A to Z
What have I learned about myself this past year {blogging}..? hmmmm... First off... I would like to make sure you know up front... I never had blogged before until I started this blog 349 days ago. Secondly... I never intended on learning anything. HAHA! LOL! No but seriously... It wasn't my intention... Check out what my intention(s) were/are here.
So here goes... What I Learned About Me... from A to Z
"T" is for... Tenacity. To be tenacious is to be persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.
I have learned about myself that when it comes to my desire of helping someone that is going through a similar experience to mine.. I am tenacious when it comes to my cause.
I will not give up... I will continue to make decisions where I can put my self into situations to help others.
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.
~ Louis Pasteur
What a way to end the week... my blog reaches 30,000 views! What an awesome milestone!!
Tomorrow... What I Learned About Me... from A to Z ... the letter(s) "U" and "V"
[here's to you finding your... ]
4 days to go... {seriously?!?...}
... for a, l & c. you are my sunshine(s).
Images are courtesy of either google or Bing images. Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barilá Karam and of this blog- Taking Back My Life ~ Making it My Own. US Copyright law apply ©
Good for you! I need to definitely be more tenacious!
Warmest regards,
Congrats on reaching such an awesome milestone! Have a great week!
I do have tenacity about some things...other NOT SO MUCH =)
these A-Z blog post have been very nice to read.
I understand wanting to help others. It's always a nice thing to be able to help someone, some how. :)
Tenacity is definitely a sign of strength. Almost DONE! :)
Atta girl! Good for you my friend!
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