Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 363 ~ Wordy? Me? Yup.

What I Learned About Me... from A to Z
What have I learned about myself this past year {blogging}..?  hmmmm... First off... I would like to make sure you know up front... I never had blogged before until I started this blog 349 days ago.  Secondly... I never intended on learning anything.  HAHA! LOL!  No but seriously... It wasn't my intention...   Check out what my intention(s) were/are here.
So here goes... What I Learned About Me... from A to Z

"W" is for...  Wordy!  Okay I wanted to have fun with "w"... 

SO when I saw wordy, I thought PERFECT!  Yes!  During this journey of mine I have discovered that I can get a bit wordy.

But... like always, I can explain.

You see when I am sharing something with you, telling you a story or an experience, being wordy is perfect!  

Why? Because then I have a great chance of describing my moment making it easier for you to see and understand... possibly even visualize what I am telling you.

However... when my husband or father-in-law ask me a question being wordy is not what they are looking for.  I always get... "get to the point..."  ..." the point is? ..."  

By the way... my mom (mil) gets the same from them.  With that said, is this gender related? or are they, my husband and father-in-law, simple minded?  LOL!! hahaha... wink, wink.  {that was actually funny!}

What {they} do not understand is that this is how my brain works.  I have discovered that I talk in detail, and write in detail as well.  It's just not easy for me to give a cut and dry answer.  Many times there's an explanation that goes along with my answer.

Solution:  write down my answers to hubby and dad's questions!  LOL!!  {and} then my world's perfect!  Hahaha.

But seriously... I guess I have to give it more effort to be direct.  However... what fun is that.  We would all be just responding "yes" or "no".

You know what? ... I'll just continue to be who I am.  {and} they'll just have to deal with it.  wink, wink.

Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact. ~ George Eliot 

Tomorrow...  What I Learned About Me... from A to Z ... the letter(s) "X" & "Y"

[here's to you finding your... ]

2 days to go... {WOW!!!...}
read about this count down in my "About my Blog" page

... for a, l & c.  you are my sunshine(s).

Images are courtesy of either google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barilá Karam and of this blog- Taking Back My Life ~ Making it My Own.  US Copyright law apply  ©


Barb Webb said...

What a fun challenge. I'm a wordy gal, too. You are so right on- be who you are! The "yes/no" world will just have to deal with us :)

ReviewsSheRote said...

I'd say I'm wordy sometimes--it depends if I know the preson I'm talking to is REALLY intrested in what I'm saying or if they have that look of GET TO THE POINT!!!

Dominique Goh said...

That's a really long W post.. glad to know more about you through your writings.

Unknown said...

Wordy is not a bad quality for a writer. If anything I struggle with my writing being "too tight" not the other way around. Nice problem to have!

Anne @ Green Eggs and Moms said...

I don't think you're writing is wordy at all, Carla!