Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 384 ~ I Am Second Challenge Day 7 of 22

This is Day 7 of my challenge... {and} my seventh video...

... Wayne Huizenga Jr., heir to Waste Management, Blockbuster Video, Auto Nation, Professional Sports teams, hotels, a resort and not to mention yachts, planes and automobiles...  
Wayne Huizenga: I am Second

Before watching this video, I thought to myself... "what on earth does he have trouble with?  He has everything!"  How could I conjure up sentiments for someone that I could not feel sorry for?  What could he possibly need?  After all he has everything!

Everything that is, but a relationship with God.

Not having God in his life, made Jr. feel empty even with all his accomplishments and treasures.

As I mentioned earlier, I am really having a hard time relating... after all we are even not in the same tax bracket!  However... the emptiness that Jr. (as he is called by all who know him) talks about feeling, well I can relate.

I've been working hard for a very long time, years that is, to get ahead.  Coming up with ideas after ideas that fizz out before ever hitting the drawing board due to discouragement, and basically not believing in myself.  

It hasn't been all that long that I have given myself to God, as a matter of fact I was baptized nearly three years ago.  Even though I have had Christ in my life for most of it, I have not led a Christian life.  I was more or less going through the motions.

Since moving to Texas I have attended more church (willingly) than I had all of my life.  I say willingly because I went to a Catholic school growing up and had to go to Church seven days a week... and honestly never got anything out of it.  Kind of hard when the service was in Latin!

About three months ago, I decided that I really wanted to be closer to God.  I decided that up until now I was not getting out of life what I wanted.  Was it because I did not truly have Jesus in my heart?  As I thought about it more I came to the conclusion that I needed to have Him in my life.

Making the decision to really go to church was very easy.  Actually my daughter (5 y/o) made it very easy for me.  She loves church and was always disappointed when we would not go.  I saw how much love she had for Jesus and I decided to help her grow her relationship with Christ by leading by example.  I would show her the love I have for Him myself, and live by His word.

Since then, I have become a "formal" member of our church, and attend classes {through our Church} to do more.

Today I do not have all the answers, or the riches that Jr. has... however with Jesus by my side I am growing stronger each day... and you never know... maybe I too one day will enjoy the fruits of my labor.

He is First... I am Second. 

We are Second when we put Jesus First. Seconds are bold to lift up Jesus and tell others. Are you ready to become a stronger Second?

I challenge YOU to take the I Am Second [22] Day Challenge... Can you spare maybe fifteen minutes in a day?
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.~Romans 10:9 (NIV)

[here's to you finding your... ]


... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Took It... Making It... Living It... My Life .  © 2012  U.S Copyright laws apply.   


ReviewsSheRote said...

I like these challenges--really stop and think about what REALLY matters. I've been BLESSED to have been raised up from birth having GOD in the center. Its NOT always been my choice...as many children who are brought up in Christian homes I had to learn to make that CHOICE for MYSELF! It took be backing away and feeling the emptiness,and the loss of a young friend suddenly to get me back to GOD willingly.


Anonymous said...

Amen Carla! Without God dont know where I would be, I thank him each and every day, for the good things and the bad things, he is my everything! Be Blessed!

Mrs. Settles said...

It just goes to show, that there is a void in all mankind that only Jesus can fill. It also reminds me that true happiness only comes when we are living God's will for our lives.


Unknown said...

I really think the I Am Second website is cool. In fact you can watch my former pastor there, Jack Graham. :)

CrazyNutsMom said...

I am enjoying following your journey. :)

Unknown said...

Thank God for God. You are really an inspiration my dear :)

Anne @ Green Eggs and Moms said...

I had to look at the blog for a while to regain my "bearing." I am glad that you are active in church again and that Calley loves going there. it's such a nice feeling to attend Sunday mass..especially when the gospel and homily help soothe you.

Unknown said...

Wow! Carla, thank you for sharing this ministry on your site. I had not heard of it until now and I'm in awe. What a great mission and cause. So happy to hear your little one is holding you accountable for going to church. Our kids love it and have such strong child-like faith that most adults struggle with.

Blessings to you, friend!