Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 299 ~ "B" is for Blogging

I wonder how many other bloggers decided to choose Blogging  for their "B" word?  I really haven't checked.  Quite frankly, I didn't want my writing to be influenced by reading other blogger's posts before hand.  Now that I think about it, as a rule of thumb, I will not be reading anyone else's posts until I have written my for the day.  

So, my guess is that I am not the only one blogging about blogging today.  I thought about being a little more original, wanting to be different as always... but being that for the most part, blogging has not only done me well but it's changed my life... therefore, I will blog from the heart tonight.

299 days ago I started my blog with the goal of doing it every day for an entire year as a means to starting my book.  Well, needless to say, I will not stop blogging anytime soon.  I am currently working on my new web site that will contain all my blogs.  Yes I said ALL my blogs.  I have one blog that I completed as a short challenge, My wii Fit Plus 21-Day Challenge, and the other one, My LifeStyle ReDesign, which I will continue to blog long after my 365 (actually it will be 366 days due to it being leap year) days are up.  

299 days ago I had no clue what was ahead of me.  I never knew that through blogging I created a wonderful release for myself, put closure to a lot of issues, and best of all... I am really discovering who I am and what I am about.

I have never felt this complete.  Honestly, I have never done anything that has made me feel this way... well besides my art anyways- and my family doesn't count.  Blogging has given me an outlet, a therapeutic outlet at that.  I've saved a ton of money on therapy that's for sure!!  wink, wink.

Blogging has not only been awesome for my psyche and self esteem, but it has done wonders for my social life too!  I never knew when I started last June that I would meet and become blogging friends with so many wonderful people all over the world.  Wonderful supportive people! 

I have become a part of the biggest family I have ever known... The Blogging(s), or better known as Bloggers.

There are no magic wands, no hidden tricks and no secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success.  But with time, energy, and determination you can get there.
Darren Rowse from Problogger
Blogging A to Z Challenge April 2012... What will "C" have for us tomorrow?

Blessings to all!!

66 days to go...

PS... for a, l & c.  You are my sunshine(s).  

Images are courtesy of google or Bing images.  Some images maybe labeled property of Carla Barila Karam and of this blog, Taking Back My Life ~ Making It My Own.  U.S Copyright laws apply.  ©


Cynthia said...

I agree, blogging is such a great release. I NEVER thought in a million years that I would ever be a blogger, AND enjoy it as much as I do!

Ashleigh said...

How sweet! Blogging really is a great outlet, for me, it's my "adult conversation" while being locked in a house with mumbling toddlers, for others it's a place to say the things you can't say. :)

Becky McNeer said...

Couldn't agree with you more. Who knew that starting a blog could open up so many doors. Congrats to you! Not Your Ordinary Recipes
Not Your Ordinary Agent