I am writing a little early today so that I may share some news with you. I have decided on a start up date for my new blog, although as I am typing this I think I am absolutely crazy!!!
December 1, 2011. You see I am CRAZY! However... it will all make sense in a moment.
This is what I have come up so far...
My new blog will entail my turning my life over to being more healthy and living more healthy. A lifestyle redesign. In other words, not only will I talk the talk but I will walk the walk!
It is not a "diet" blog. I have decided that there are things, food and drink included that I love about my life. I love to eat well and I like to have my glasses of wine, martinis or just cocktails in general. I want to be realistic about this so that I may be able to walk the walk comfortably, without it being a constant struggle or even getting grumpy (because I have to pass on one of my favs.)
What prompted this... well... some of you may have read my other blog, My wii FIt Plus 21 Day Challenge,
It was a true learning experience. Although I may have not reached my goal weight, and then gained some of it back, I really enjoyed the experience.
However... it was a little (just a little) bit unrealistic, but could have been doable. I only say that because my blog should have started a week earlier so that I may not have had to finish the last week while on vacation. It was started on a whim, spontaneity at its best. Honestly, I just was not able to work out like I was the two previous weeks and had to substitute aggressive work outs for long walks. Oh that and the fact that my father in law Bob is an amazing cook!! He cooks the best Persian food!!
But anyways... since then I have been thinking about what really needs to change in my life and what does not. What is realistic and what is not.
With that said... I like me! (oh my I said it!) I am not terribly fat, although I could use to at least loose ten pounds. I would accept that. After all I am not twenty anymore and do not find a need to been EXTREMELY skinny any more, but I DO want to look good and healthy! Seriously, I am done trying to be Cosmopolitan or Vogue like... those models are UNREALISTICALLY skinny. Completely unhealthy!
I already mentioned that I love food, and I do love to cook and try new recipes all the times. And with the realities of life, being a mom, wife and daughter in law, I do not have the time to work out like I am used to. I always used to spend at least three hours working out at the gym, comfortably. Now I can probably do three to four days a week, an hour and a half at most. Realistically.
Now the crazy thing about this is that I am choosing to start this December 1st, right before the holidays. Well as hellish as that may sound, I am doing it on purpose. I need to learn to be healthy and enjoy the holidays from a healthy, enjoyable perspective. Now do you understand my madness?
Courtesy of Bing images. |
So my last dilemma to resolve before I start... A NAME! My new blog needs a clever, snappy name. One did come into mind right now...(Walk the Walk) ... but I thought it would be great to see if there are any suggestions out there.
Sooo... I am asking for ideas... If you can think of a cute name for my blog, please leave a comment. If I choose the title you came up with... I wish I could give a trip to Hawaii (one day), but REALISTICALLY... what I will do is let everyone know, publishing your name, giving you the credit.
Deadline to get your ideas in is Saturday, November 26th. YES THIS SATURDAY! I do need time to build and design my new blog.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)
I am thankful that I am not too old to continue to learn new things each day!
Blessings to all!!
199 days to go...
All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam and are true accounts of her life. Some names may be changed to protect the innocent.